At Cardology, we've long known our cards live long in the memory, as well as physically in people's memory boxes. It’s this that caused our original Battersea ranges to win the People’s Choice Gift of the Year award in 2022, and our Peter Rabbit collection to win Best Licensed Stationery Product in 2023.
More recently, we’ve struggled to get our heads around the euphemistically called 'sale or return' process for seasonal card sales, whereby some big chains recycle our unsold seasonal product and charge us for the privilege, whilst small independents' cash is tied up in stock that can’t be sold for another year. It’s rubbish for the planet, entirely unnecessary, and just plain unfair on small businesses.
This got us thinking – what if we could re-design our seasonal lines so they could be re-purposed for different events for dog and cat lovers by offering interchangeable stickers that align with key parts of the designs. This would mean if independents over-order and don't sell our stock for Valentines Day, they can keep the well-loved designs out knowing they’ll work equally well for Mother's Day. Big chains also benefit from a lower carbon footprint as there’s less need to cart perfectly good stock that sells in and out of stores – so everyone wins.
Moreover, we include additional labels with these designs whereby the retailer can tap into the year-round (everyday) card giving market to celebrate specific events for the dog or cat lover – not least the emerging trend of ‘Gotcha Day’ for new pet adoptions.
We’re really proud of what we’ve done and our customers seem to love it as well from the sales. Sure, we know Battersea is a range that always does well for us, but these cards are next level performers. Here’s hoping you love what we’ve done too.